If you haven’t heard of Grenada, you are not alone. This often overlooked Caribbean destination is ready to make a splash with sophisticated tourists everywhere. The island appeals to travelers for its untouched beauty and romantic vibe. However, there is no shortage of adventure available on this lush island. If you are considering putting Grenada on your bucket list, why wait? Lots of new and exciting changes are in store for this unique jewel of the Caribbean.
No matter what happens, here’s how you can be the best travel companion Whether you’re going for a couple of weeks or even for months together, there are some foundational things that are critical to making travel with someone else successful. Ashlea Halpern is an editor at Traveler magazine who recently spent a year globe trotting with her boyfriend. Here are some of her best tips for making it work so you can come back from your journey stronger than ever.
It’s 2019 and time to start making those travel bucket lists! If you haven’t yet thought about an exciting and exotic trip for your list, Morocco would be a wonderful addition. A bucket list destination should be a place that you have only dreamed about. A place where you can take in the local sights, sounds and tastes for an unforgettable experience. Get your passport ready and check out some of the exciting things that Morocco has to offer.
January's Client of the Month is a good friend of mine, Keira R. Keira is an educator, a wife, a mom, and runs the blog, Bad As A Mother. When you are that busy, you have to make sure that the vacations you take are well-planned and to amazing places. Keira's trip to Ireland ticked both of those boxes.
Ireland happens to be a favorite place of mine. With it's beautiful countryside, ancient castles, friendly people, and Guinness and Jameson, it's got something for everyone! Here are some of the highlights of Keira's trip. Ireland, often called the Emerald Isle, is one of my favorite destinations. With only a six hour flight from the east coast, traveling to Ireland is much easier than you think. With its beautiful landscapes and rich history, it isn’t surprising that Ireland is a destination with something for everyone.
October's Clients of the Month are Bill and Marilyn. They are both small business owners - Bill in finance and Marilyn in publishing. They are well-traveled and working their way through their bucket lists. They have not only booked trips with me for their personal vacations, but they have also traveled with me on my hosted trip to the Galapagos and will be joining my group in Egypt in a few days. They are a perfect example of the type of people that I love to travel with - they are fun and funny, are easy-going, and have an adventurous spirit!
Going on an African Safari is something that many people dream of, and for good reason. You have the opportunity to get up and personal with lions, elephants, rhinos, leopards and cape buffalo (otherwise known as “The Big Five”) in their natural habitats. Who can resist that?
If you are going on a South African safari, then Cape Town is a great place to start your trip. Not only is it easier to get over your jet lag there, versus jumping right into early morning safari game drives, but it’s a beautiful city with lots to see and do. Anyone who has traveled across time zones knows the foggy, headachy, dragging feeling of jet lag. It’s awful, and it can interfere with productivity and enjoyment on any trip. Especially if you have a somewhat limited time — say, a week in London — jet lag can cut into the fun of half your trip. Extra especially if you are one of the people that it affects more than others - just ask my boyfriend!
Nobody loves standing in long security lines, and I don’t know one person who is thrilled by the fact that most airline seats only recline about four inches, if you’re lucky.
But I do know people who love to travel, door to door — not just when they arrive at their resort. I know people who almost always have a great flight, no matter what. I’ve talked to people whose trips got rained out, or who missed connecting flights, or who got lost, or who even had passports stolen — and when I ask them how their trip was, they smile and say, “It was great!” and proceed to tell me the full exciting tale. Guest Post by Keira RobilottoIf you know anything about me, you know that I love to travel. More importantly I love traveling on a budget, but I don't want to sacrifice luxury to save a buck. If that sounds like you, I've got some great tips to help you travel like a boss and not break the bank.
January 2023