Nobody loves standing in long security lines, and I don’t know one person who is thrilled by the fact that most airline seats only recline about four inches, if you’re lucky.
But I do know people who love to travel, door to door — not just when they arrive at their resort. I know people who almost always have a great flight, no matter what. I’ve talked to people whose trips got rained out, or who missed connecting flights, or who got lost, or who even had passports stolen — and when I ask them how their trip was, they smile and say, “It was great!” and proceed to tell me the full exciting tale.
Guest Post by Keira RobilottoIf you know anything about me, you know that I love to travel. More importantly I love traveling on a budget, but I don't want to sacrifice luxury to save a buck. If that sounds like you, I've got some great tips to help you travel like a boss and not break the bank.
January 2023